Living in a fast paced society, parents find it challenging to provide their families with healthy and wholesome meals. Many of us today are faced with time restraints and schedules that don’t allow for the opportunity to prepare and cook meals daily that are healthy and wholesome. Parents are often times cooking foods that are already prepackaged and just simply need to be warmed or put into the microwave. Unfortunately, when these types of short cuts are taken we are compromising our nutrient intake and ultimately our overall health.
I know that the health of my family is primarily dependent upon the choices that I make as it relates to what foods I bring into the home and what I put on the table. Like many other mothers today, I am also busy, but I take time to prepare many of our meals in large batches once or twice a month. Making this sacrifice allows me the opportunity to feed my family nutritious meals in the midst of our busy lives. I will usually take a half day every two weeks or so to prepare meals in large batches and then I freeze these meals for later.
When we take the time to plan ahead, we make better choices. Batch cooking in advance makes life so much easier on those days that I am rushing and just don’t have the time needed to make a nice home cooked meal. All I have to do is simply put these previously prepared food items and meals into the oven and enjoy!
It’s so important to make the necessary adjustments so we can live healthier and more wholesome lives. We take time to fit the things into our schedule that are important to us and our health should definitely be at the top of this list. Feel free to share your batch cooking meal recipes with our readers below this post.